
Tuesday, June 22, 2010

Mexican Standoff Challenge: We Have a Winner!

I recently entered a competition on for a Mexican Standoff! Trying to shoot down the competition I entered my Mexican Lasagna with a Philly Twist Recipe.  After battling it out with some very talented cooks, I was pleasantly surprised to have been named "Fan Favorite"

Sunday, June 20, 2010

V's Creamy Biscuits - Happy Father's Day!

For Father's day I got up early to make a big ole batch of these big, rich biscuits. They are my go-to recipe and are a real treat, they are crunchy on the outside but on the inside they are tender, creamy, light and fluffy. Get your favorite jam out and make some. Serve with scrambled eggs and bacon.  Oh-my what a treat!

Saturday, June 19, 2010

Kraft 'Real Women of Philadelphia' Video Contest a Hit With Home Chefs - ClickZ

The number of women are AMAZING! This has been so much fun! Can't wait until the next phase. Be sure and tune in on June 30th for a live broadcast from Savannah! 5:00 PST You know I'll be watching and cheering on the girls I've come to know and love!
Spread the Philly!

Kraft 'Real Women of Philadelphia' Video Contest a Hit With Home Chefs - ClickZ

Sunday, June 13, 2010

Breakfast, Lunch or Dinner! Eggs!

Looking for a recipe on the internet, I came across One Year Project. This family took on a year-long endeavor to cook every single recipe in the Rachael-Ray-365-No Repeats- and they did it. In order even. Which, as the author writes, included eating mac and cheese four nights in a row because that's the adore they came in the cookbook.

I'm not sure if I think they are admirable for taking on such a project and sticking to it or if I think they are crazy! I mean, what about leftovers? A lot of Rachael's recipes SAY they serve 4, but they end up serving 6-8 and out of this family of four, two were small children. And expense! Trying a new recipe every single day for a whole year would probably get pretty costly I imagine. Anyway, it makes for an interesting read and certainly an it's interesting concept.

The review on that site wasn't at all favorable to the recipe I'm going to share next. In fact, she called it "ridiculous" and "rubbish" but then again, she also admits to hating eggs, so take that review for what it's worth.

Tuesday, June 8, 2010

Quick and Easy Chocolate Chip Cookie Dough Brownies

I reviewed this recipe for a friend of mine ages ago. This brownie is rich, thick and perfect without any frosting! I often make these for the football team on Friday nights or when we go out on the boat. Seems like at the end of the day, everyone wants something sweet!

Saturday, June 5, 2010


This year I've decided to try The Upsy Downsy Tomato Planter. I read it allows tomatoes to grow in their best position- upside down. Just fill the Upsy Downsy with potting soil and your favorite tomato plants. Now I can prune, harvest and fertilize without kneeling or bending. Shouldn't need stakes or cages. And, because it never touches the ground, you won't be troubled by DOGS, cut worms, slugs, or fungus. Says it works great for peppers, cucumbers, petunias and other plants also. Growing two kinds -big beef delicious and grape tomatoes. Fingers crossed. Just in case? I planted my favorite Roma tomatos in a planter along side my serrano peppers. Woo hoo Salsa!

Hoping for the best! I think I should post a before and after photo!

Tuesday, June 1, 2010

V's Tri-Tip Marinade

This year is flying by, isn't it?  Seems like February was just a week ago and here it is June. Well in spite of the fact that I seem to be living in a time warp, I have been one busy bee! The boys only have a couple more days of school left and then home for the summer! woo hoo.... My oldest, my marine, came home for the long Memorial Day weekend and all he wanted to do was spend a lazy day at the lake.