
Monday, August 26, 2013

Healthy Pumpkin Banana Nut Muffins

What a great way to start the week and what’s better than to get exciting news on a Monday nonetheless! This absolutely made my day. I couldn’t stop smiling when I got the email from Shelley from Yummly saying that my Healthy Banana Nut Muffins has been picked to be featured on their blog!

So what does all this mean you maybe be asking yourself. This means that my blog is now Yummly Certified, it an honor for food bloggers, a recognition their blog is somethin' to talk about. tee hee. It's the little things that makes this girl happy. Over the weekend I had been working on the behind scenes of my blog. Check out my cute little favicon I made.
So cute right?

I'm all a twitter now and want to share the recipe that got my blog Yummly Certified.

Saturday, August 10, 2013

Award-Winning-Garlic Shrimp & Orzo Salad

Sliding down the hallway sideways in my socks and feeling like Steve Martin in "The Jerk"....yelling 'the phone book is here, the phone book is here, I AM SOMEBODAY' I can legitimately say this recipe is award-winning. I just received my complimentary copy of the August/September issue of Country Woman's Magazine.